Wedding makeup 2016

The face is very important in the image of a bride. She must be the center of attention all day and hence the makeup must be one that will emphasize the beauty of the face. The 2016 wedding makeup has to be natural, attractive and the harmonious combination of these two qualities.

Wedding makeup tips

Regardless wedding makeup trends, every lady should consider whether it fits her skin color. The color of skin, face and hair are important factors in choosing a wedding makeup. These must not only make the face look even more beautiful, but also harmoniously match the dress, hairstyle and accessories.

Hazel eyes

Hazel eyes are characterized by depth and expressiveness that is why classical types of makeup will be very suitable. The black eyeliner, a proper lipstick and skin shade will be perfect solutions for beautiful ladies with hazel eyes. For facial skin are ideal shades of opal, coral and cream and the colors of eyeshadow have no restrictions – only orange and pink colors must be excluded (they blur the hazel eyes).

Green eyes

Owners of green eyes can choose several eyeshadows shades – purple, gold, violet, copper, blue sky. If you want a makeup in bright colors, make one sample that will match your outfit. The foundation will be chosen according to the skin color and it will be taken into account also when you will choose the eyeshadows. Ideally, the lipstick shades must be light.

Note: bright blue color and its shades will make green eyes lose their intensity.

Blue eyes

Owners of such bright and beautiful colors eyes really need to focus on eyes. Delicacy and finesse – these are the main rules for blue eyes. To accentuate their natural beauty, choose makeup in shades of pink and purple.

In order to give depth and expressiveness to the blue eyes, use the range of purple, green and indigo colors. Brides with blue eyes should avoid black eyeliner that will aggravate the eye. Instead, we recommend brown and gray eyeliner. As for lips, opt for lipsticks in shades of coral and pink-peach.

Gray eyes

Brides with gray eyes are most advantaged because any color palette is suitable for this neutral color. If you have gray eyes, experiment with courage but do not forget to choose what is suitable to your look.

Wedding makeup for blondes

Because of light shades of hair, blondes can create the most delicate image for this beautiful event. Ideal eyeshadow colors will be those that match the skin tone and mainly the shades of gray and the nude gamma. Lips can be accented with fine shades of pink and coral. Owners of light hair shades should not be afraid to experiment with bright and intense colors.


Brunettes should opt for deep, dark or warm colors. The lipstick will be chosen according to the skin color, but there are no restrictions. Eyeshadows will best accentuate the hair, especially if they will be plum, green and warm blue colors – without any vulgar colors.

Nude makeup

In 2016, the basic trend in wedding makeup and the whole outfit is the naturalness. The famous nude makeup will be the one that will help you look more natural. Although it looks very natural, its creation requires a lot of cosmetic products:

The main rule that should be respected is the light shades of thereof, and the ability to lay perfectly on the face, accentuating the body’s natural colors. We recommend that nude makeup is executed by a professional makeup artist to ensure the correct application of cosmetics. This makeup is ideal for the summer season.

Smoky eyes makeup

This evening makeup has become a must-have in the wedding makeup. This is a little different than the evening. If you are planning to go to a ceremony, the dark eyeshadows will not be applied to the entire eyelid – they have to be blended in the corners. The line should be thinner and expressiveness of the eyes will be achieved using false eyelashes or volume mascara. No need to put emphasis on the lips, the ideal would be to apply a pale lipstick.

Brides should pay attention to the makeup in shades of brown and gold. You can opt for makeup with glitter.

Bright makeup and lips

Brides who want to add more color to the delicate outfit, we recommend the makeup with bright lips – one of the basic trends of 2016. Bright colors of lipstick fit any ladies, important it is to choose which shade suits you. Choose the shade according to your skin tone, but better give up on acid colors that can make the bride look vulgar and avoid the classic red.

Specialist advice

Here are some advices for the 2016 wedding makeup:

The bride is the embodiment of beauty, elegance and finesse. The wedding makeup will help reinforce this image, whether it will be done correctly.

What current trends did you like? Share your ideas for the wedding makeup, leaving comments in the box below.