How to naturally lighten your hair color

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After a long winter, when spring comes, all of us have a desire of a new brightness – a more glowing skin tone, more bright clothes and why not, a lighter shade of the hair color.

Hair color

If you want your hair color to be lighter with one or two shades, but you are not interested to do fringes, we offer you 3 recipes that will help you to have a more brilliant hair in a lighter shade without spending your money and effortless.

1. Chamomile tea with lemon juice. This is a proven and efficient treatment that will lighten your hair color with one or two shades. Mix the juice of one lemon with 3 cups of chamomile tea and rinse the hair with this solution. Let it naturally dry on the hair thread and then go in a sunny place and see the amazing result of this recipe.

2. Rhubarb. The rhubarb infusion is one of the most efficient solution to lighten your hair color. Also, by using this solution, you are not damaging the structure of the hair thread at all. You need a quarter of minced rhubarb cup added in 500 mg of hot water. Leave the infusion to cool and then rinse your hair with it. In order to maintain the lighter shade of the hair, rinse with such solution every week.

3. Vitamin C and lemon juice.This technique of hair color lightening is used by thousands of people around the world because it is efficient and very cheap. You need six pills of minced Vitamin C, added to 2 spoons of lemon juice. In this solution you also add shampoo and then you mix it until you get a homogeneous composition. This new solution must be applied on the hair and massaged delicately. Subsequently, you must cover your hair with a plastic foil and you keep it there for about an hour. Afterwards, all you have to do it to wash the hair with your normal shampoo and enjoy a lighter and brighter color shade.