Fashionable underwear by Cristiano Ronaldo

The fact that sooner or later celebrities come to the creation of garments or other items of consumer is no surprise. Thus, many world’s famous actors, singers and even athletes have their own lines of clothes, perfumes, shoes and accessories.

One of the most solicited and popular football player in the world, Cristiano Ronaldo, decided to join the starry cast of designers. Most recently, he presented the public the new collection of the brand CR 7 Underwear – Rankin x Ronaldo.

The name of the collection is directly related to the presentation, as in seven world capitals there was an advertising campaign, and, by the way, this is the number emblazoned on the T-shirt of the famous player. Also, the name of the photographer was involved in the name of the show.

The presentation was loud and memorable, because the football star was not limited to simple pictures or movies. The projection of the advertising campaign appeared on most important history monuments in the cities, where fashion is a national treasure.

The football star and the favorite of women recognized that fashion is his great passion and will continue to increase in the near future. He does not intend to stop and is going to continue to evolve in this direction. Cristiano does not mention what collections we should expect in the future, but we are sure that he will certainly be able to surprise the audience.